Calories for women calculator results


These results of calorie calculator will help you understand how many calories you need to maintain your current weight and the number of necessary calories per day to achieve your weight to the goal of a healthy and regular manner.

Remember that these calorie counts are based on the average of the population, you may need to adjust your calorie needs up or down a little to get the results you want. These results are calculated to help you understand how many calories you need to maintain your current weight, or the number of calories, you need to lose weight slowly.

If you would like more detailed information on the number of calories that you need, contact calories count. Membership is free and you will have access to online tools to create your perfect diet.


American Dietetic Association. "In non-obese people, which is the precision and maximum overestimation of prediction and resting metabolic rate measured underestimation errors the Harris-Benedict formula when you use?" ADA evidence analysis Library. Published in March 2005.

"Patterns of food consumption." Ministry of Agriculture Center of the United States for the Nutrition and Promotion policy. Access April 2005.


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