Five things that make you easily get tired.

FatigueCrossed the day with enthusiasm and a positive attitude? Or you feel as it is heavy to move forward? Listen to the latest results of the National Sleep Foundation. The results suggest that two or three adults in America claim less than seven hours per night of sleep.

According to Yahoohealth, there are five bad habits makes you tired, which are:

1. The dependence on coffee and Soda
All the caffeine found in coffee and soda make you addicted, but too caffeine will be the time of the adrenal glands and causes to feel you tired and tired. If you like really products caffeinated, it will be more difficult to break the chain of addiction. If you drink four cups of coffee per day, now is the time to stop this habit.

2 Position of the body which is not good
Posture is not good is a major problem for the health and fatigue. Dr. Adrian Couzner, of Chirosports, Sydney, suggests that the posture is not good contribute to fatigue in the body which could reduce the mobility of joints and muscles therefore he spend your energy.

When you're in the wrong position, your body will work hard just for easy movement. Immediately get up and improve your position when sitting to keep your energy throughout the day

3. Difficult breathing
Respiratory difficulties will limit the amount of oxygen that flows in the brain and the body that can make you feel tired. If you are working on a computer all day, attention during respiration. It is easy to know the habits of the respiratory difficulties, when you move several hours. Take frequent breaks to stretch, walk while doing exercise, make the flow of normal oxygen respiration.

4 Fast Foods of
Nadine Saubers, author of "From The Complete Idiot Guide to combat Fatigue", said eat fast food is the main cause of fatigue. Eat more often cooked meals House which is used and cooked long will increase your energy at a high level.

5 Holding anger
The test of your physical condition, make sure that you do not hold of bad emotions that can create fatigue. Holding anger or stress in one may cause pressure on the body and drain your energy.

Give yourself some time with emotional problems so that it does not disrupt your daily life. Actions such as talking to someone who can be trusted, write letters to people who get angry and not send it or discuss issues found on your mind is the way to solve the problem and to return to life.

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