How many carbohydrates?

I'm trying to discover carbohydrates how I should in my diet every day.

Jim - user of the

Response: The most recent Dietary Guidelines for Americans suggest that about half of your daily calories come from carbohydrates, so you can calculate how many grams of carbs you need. Need to start with your daily caloric (calculate here) and divide this number by half. This is how many calories should come from carbohydrates. Now take this number and divide by four - each gram of carbohydrate has four calories. The final number is equal to the amount of carbohydrates you need every day. For example, a person who consumes about 2,000 calories per day should take on about 250 grams of carbohydrates.

Keep track of your calories and carbohydate needs each day with a food log. You can also keep the followed by teh food that you eat thise way - choose the best carbohydrate-rich foods, such as 100%, nuts whole grain products, seeds, legumes, fruits and vegetables.

Avoid foods that contain a large amount of refined (white) flour and sugar, such as pastries, sweet snacks, sweet sugar, candies, cookies, most drinks and greasy chips processed snack foods packed. These foods contain too many calories while providing little or no nutritional value. Some of these foods contain also of saturated and trans fats are bad for your heart.

Tips for tracking your carbohydrates


Ministry of Agriculture of the United States. "Dietary Guidelines for Americans 2005.". U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Published in January 2005.

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