Why city dwellers are more vulnerable to mental disorders

stressed urban peopleUrban life offers ease in life and very practical. Unsurprisingly, cities are like magnets that attract people to come and live there.

But have you ever thought that life in the city triggers the onset of mental disorders which is superior to stay in a small town or rural areas?

A study reported in the scientific journal Nature says that urban dwellers are more vulnerable to mental disorders than those who live in rural or smaller cities.

According to The Huffington Post, psychiatrist Andreas Mayer Lidenberg at the Institute of mental health and the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Heidelberg (Germany), examined the 32 respondents from large cities, small towns and villages. He asked the respondents to the difficult arithmetic problems, that he considered their work of brain.

In his research, he found that the brains of respondents living in major cities showed greater activity in the amygdala, which is part of the brain that are active in people with excessive anxiety.

He also found that those who grew up in urban areas show activity in the perigenual anterior Cingulate (pACC) cortex, a part of the brain involved in several studies on schizophrenia. Schizophrenia is a disorder of the brain resulting in brain works does not properly.

The results of initial studies led him to undertake a more in-depth study, this time with Visual cues of scientists who frown on them when they solve arithmetic problems. Yet again, they found a response to stress plue than those who live far from the city.

For him, even the strongest genes associated with schizophrenia has increased by only 20 per cent risk of disruption. However, disease is twice as much risk in people who live in the city. Over the city, most at risk.

However, the number of respondents that are too small cannot represent a compelling conclusion. Therefore, plans research team conducting similar studies in large populations. This is the map of the relationship between social isolation with mental illness.

During this time, researchers have long sought a link between mental illness with the chaos of the city. Pressure of life in the city is strongly proved to be able to lead to mental disorders in people who live in it.

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